Thursday, June 18, 2009

June Exam Results 2009



Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Computer Science June Exam 2009

This Exam has three(4) sections:

1. Using Power Point
2. Using Excel
3. Making a short movie and creating the sound for it using tracks from Looperman
4. Adding a new post to your Blog and saving the URL to a file in your documents.

There is an EXCEL file in your 2014 or 2015 classroom documents called Juneexcel.
Find it at the bottom of the list, open it, and Save AS - yournameexcel09

If you choose Power Point, you will search the internet for a 4 stanza poem on nature.
Your Power Point presentation will print the poem - one stanza to a page. You will add appropriate pictures to each page. Your Power Point will also have a title page and a concluding page - six pages in all.

Making a MOVIE
There are 8 video clips related to our school in a folder entitled June Test 2009.
You are to make a movie from these clips. The movie will have a theme, which you will use to title it. You will create a soundtrack using clips from Looperman.
There are 384 seconds of clips - 6 minutes and 24 seconds. Your movie will be 4:00 minutes(240 seconds) exactly. Conclude your movie with credits including your name.

Post to Your Blog
Your post will be an advertisement for the movie you just created. Include one link and one gadget.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Berube

Monday, June 08, 2009


The Tiger Lacrosse season came to an abrupt end with a 35 to 18 loss to St. Gabriel today. The game began on a very positive note- we were tied at 7 midway through the first period. Then, the 'wheels fell off of the wagon'. St.Gabriel scored in bunches and forced us to play catch up for the rest of the game. On this day, the Tigers were beaten by a stronger, better team. Congratulations to St. Gabriel.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Science Project Rubric - May 2009

Rubric for Science Unit 4 Presentation

95-100% • The topic area was clearly understood and represented. It represented at least two sub units of the last section.
• All information was accurate and detailed.
• All boldfaced terms were mentioned and explained or used in context
• The information was properly sequenced
• The presentation showed insight, creativity and asked and answered Green and Blue Hat questions
• The Power Point OR movie had an interesting introduction
• All pictures or videos were clear – no pixilation was evident.
• Captions were easy to read
• Captions served only as key points
• If audio was included, it was easy to understand and used emphasis and voice modulation
• If the presentation was live speaking support, the speaker used good voice – modulation, emphasis, volume, and speed
80-94% • The topic area was clearly understood and represented. It represented at least two sub units of the last section.
• All information was accurate and detailed.
• All boldfaced terms were mentioned and explained or used in context
• The information was properly sequenced
• The presentation showed creativity • The Power Point OR movie had an interesting introduction
• All pictures or videos were clear – no pixilation was evident.
• Captions were easy to read
• Captions served only as key points
• The audio or spoken support was good quality. It had good volume, some modulation, and some emphasis
• All transitions were smooth
70-79% • The topic area was understood. It represented at least two sub units of the last section.
• Most information was accurate and detailed.
• Most boldfaced terms were mentioned and explained or used in context
• The presentation had an introduction, details and conclusion
• The introduction was acceptable
• Some pictures were grainy or pixilation was noticeable
• Transitions were smooth
• The visuals were too wordy
• The audio or spoken support was acceptable, but mostly monotone
60-69% • The topic understanding was basic. It touched on at least two sub unit areas
• There was satisfactory support for the main ideas
• The presentation did not go beyond the basics • Many pictures were acceptable but grainy or too small
• The presentation was choppy
• The visuals were too wordy
• The audio or spoken support was but mostly monotone and, at times, difficult to hear or understand
0-50% • The topic was poorly assembled, unfinished, or incomplete and showed little comprehension of the topic.
• Did not meet basic time requirements
• Did not meet basic content requirements • The presentation was of poor quality with few slides or pictures

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lacrosse schedule 2009

See the top link to the left!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Making masks