Monday, May 11, 2009

Science Project Rubric - May 2009

Rubric for Science Unit 4 Presentation

95-100% • The topic area was clearly understood and represented. It represented at least two sub units of the last section.
• All information was accurate and detailed.
• All boldfaced terms were mentioned and explained or used in context
• The information was properly sequenced
• The presentation showed insight, creativity and asked and answered Green and Blue Hat questions
• The Power Point OR movie had an interesting introduction
• All pictures or videos were clear – no pixilation was evident.
• Captions were easy to read
• Captions served only as key points
• If audio was included, it was easy to understand and used emphasis and voice modulation
• If the presentation was live speaking support, the speaker used good voice – modulation, emphasis, volume, and speed
80-94% • The topic area was clearly understood and represented. It represented at least two sub units of the last section.
• All information was accurate and detailed.
• All boldfaced terms were mentioned and explained or used in context
• The information was properly sequenced
• The presentation showed creativity • The Power Point OR movie had an interesting introduction
• All pictures or videos were clear – no pixilation was evident.
• Captions were easy to read
• Captions served only as key points
• The audio or spoken support was good quality. It had good volume, some modulation, and some emphasis
• All transitions were smooth
70-79% • The topic area was understood. It represented at least two sub units of the last section.
• Most information was accurate and detailed.
• Most boldfaced terms were mentioned and explained or used in context
• The presentation had an introduction, details and conclusion
• The introduction was acceptable
• Some pictures were grainy or pixilation was noticeable
• Transitions were smooth
• The visuals were too wordy
• The audio or spoken support was acceptable, but mostly monotone
60-69% • The topic understanding was basic. It touched on at least two sub unit areas
• There was satisfactory support for the main ideas
• The presentation did not go beyond the basics • Many pictures were acceptable but grainy or too small
• The presentation was choppy
• The visuals were too wordy
• The audio or spoken support was but mostly monotone and, at times, difficult to hear or understand
0-50% • The topic was poorly assembled, unfinished, or incomplete and showed little comprehension of the topic.
• Did not meet basic time requirements
• Did not meet basic content requirements • The presentation was of poor quality with few slides or pictures